Your contract Information
Important Information
Protected LCTA/LCSB 2022-2025 Contract
2024-2025 LCTA Proposals

Bargaining Updates
Session #4 Update - October 18, 2024
Session #3 Update - August 28, 2024
Session #2 Update - July 30, 2024

2023-2024 Spring MOUs
Review the recently tentatively agreed upon MOUs. They will not go into effect until they are ratified at the end of this month. Once ratified you will have 120 days to verify all your years of service. Once your years of service are verified, you shall receive retroactive pay for the 2023-2024 salary increase.
NOTE the following:
- This will not go into effect until the language is ratified.
- You start to contact previous districts you worked in to gather all you years of creditable service.
- Although this MOU does not address some YOE issues, LCTA will work to negotiate language to address your concerns.
2023-2024 Contract Settlement
Bargaining Update: A Step Forward with Hopeful Momentum
Friday marked a significant milestone in our ongoing negotiations. Through collective action and unwavering determination, our teachers have reached a tentative agreement that signifies progress toward fair compensation. The ratification vote will be held on Tuesday, February 20, 2023 at your site. While we celebrate this achievement, it's important to recognize that our journey is far from over.
Be proud. Celebrate! Be ready. The best is yet to come!
Our teachers' dedication and advocacy, coupled with our community's support, have been instrumental in pushing for a better deal. We fought tirelessly to reclaim what was rightfully ours, and thanks to our efforts, teachers will receive their retroactive pay in March. The initial offer from the district has been substantially improved, demonstrating the power of our united voice.
YOU increased the financial offer by 56% from the initial offer and 22% since December.
The tentative agreement brings some significant positive changes, including an increase in base teacher pay and additional compensation based on years of service. Yet, it falls short of providing our teachers with the dignity and respect they deserve. Florida's dismal ranking in teacher pay and Leon County's standing within the state highlight the urgency of our cause.
Highlights of the ratified agreement include:
- Financial Accountability for Unpaid Leave: Employees can request a financial accounting of unpaid leave to ensure changes in take-home pay are transparent before maternity, leave of absence, or FMLA leave is taken.
- Bereavement Leave Inclusion: Great-grandparents will be included in bereavement leave.
- Hourly Work Record Keeping: All hourly work will be accurately recorded on time sheets, ensuring that employees are paid for all hours worked. There will be no limitation on payment for hours worked. If you work the hours, you will be paid.
- Pre-planning Schedule and Compensation: During pre-planning, only 12 hours are allocated for non-individual activities. Any additional non-individual time taken beyond this will be compensated at the hourly rate of pay. The schedule of events must be communicated on the first day of pre-planning.
- Access to Personnel Files and Records: Employees will have access to their personnel files and any records related to them.
- Reimbursement Procedure for Damaged Personal Items: Risk Management will provide a digital copy of reimbursement procedures for damaged personal items on their webpage, facilitating staff claims for such incidents on the job.
- Update to Zero-tolerance Policy: An update to the zero-tolerance policy regarding student behavior ensures that incidents where a teacher is threatened will be addressed with appropriate leave and coverage.
- Chain of Command Chart: A chain of command chart will be provided via email at the beginning of the year and updated as needed for clear communication and organizational structure.
- Access to Student Records: Teachers will have access to individual records of their students for the year they are teaching them.
- Compensation for Gifted Endorsement: A compensation of $500 is provided for obtaining a gifted endorsement.
- Compensation for Wellness Coordinators: Wellness coordinators will receive a compensation of $500.
These highlights supplement the compensation package, which includes a base increase of $575 and an additional $100 for every year of creditable service.
A ratification vote will be held on Tuesday, February 20, 2024. Your LCTA representative will have materials and provide notices as to when and where the vote will take place.
We will vote but we call upon you to stand with us once again soon as we return the table to ensure we start the 24-25 school year with another agreement in place. Together, we must advocate for a substantive wage increase that reflects the value of our teachers and positions Leon County as a is paramount to ensuring student success.
Access the Ratification Packet and check your Years of Experience (YOE) on the LCTA website.
This is not merely a battle for fair wages; it's a fight for the future of education in our county. Let us continue to mobilize, to speak out, and to demand the recognition our teachers deserve. The journey ahead may be challenging, but with your support, we are confident that we can create a brighter tomorrow for our educators and students alike.
Together, we can make a difference.
Your Leon Classroom Teachers Association

Educators can check the years of service LCS has on file for you using the excel file below. LCTA wants to ensure all educators receive what they are owed. If you think there is an error regarding your years of experience (YOE,) contact LCS HR: Angie Allbritton - Supervisor, Instructional Staff [email protected]

The best is yet to come.

01-10-24 PROPOSALS
01-10-24 PROPOSALS

12-14-23 PROPOSALS
Recent News
Session Videos
Tentative Agreements

Bargaining Update!
Our meeting on 4/20 was a success with the presentation of Article 10 and explanations on several MOU for stipends. We are working with LCS on additional meeting dates and there is a current delay waiting for legislative rules to be incorporated into bargaining. Our main focus for the coming year of bargaining is Article 10, 7 and 8, along with redefining supplements and increases to salary.
Below is the outline of the stipends and on the LCTA website, you can see the full MOU for your reference.
Gifted Endorsement: For teachers adding the gifted endorsement to their certification from 8/1/22 to 7/31/23, they need to submit their name and DOE information to the district to receive a 500 dollar stipend. There is a total of $10,000, so it is on a first come first serve basis. The district hopes they can offer this next year as it is a grant from the FLDOE.
Civics Endorsement: Teachers that complete the Civics courses through CPALMS can earn a 1 time $3,000 stipend. The time frame runs from May 2021 to December 2023.
The all important SUMMER PAY MOU: There was an increase in pay, teachers will receive $300 a week in addition to their normal hourly rate. Teachers are expected to work a 5.5 hour day and that includes lunch and planning. Teachers that are required to provide ESE services for ESY will receive a $500 a week bonus pay. All bonus pay is tied to a week of time compared to previous years of having to work multiple weeks to earn the bonus.
We are working hard on your behalf to be sure you are RESPECTED as educators. Respect includes more than just money and this summer we will be working on language to ensure your voices are heard and your professional duties are RESPECTED. As soon as we have bargaining dates lined up we will inform you all and we would love to have you out to the meetings in support. Thank you for all you do as educators and enjoy the much deserved summer break!!

Memorandums of Understandings
Priorities and Updates

Proposals and Agreements
September 29, 2022 Proposals
Documents From The Latest Session. February 17, 2022
Full Book Bargaining = 2021-2024 Contract
Tentative Agreements
COVID Impact
Differentiated Accountability
L300 Schools
Video of Bargaining Sessions
Session Information
LCTA Proposals - July 1, 2021
LCS Counters - June 15, 2021
LCTA Counters - May 19, 2021
LCS Proposals - May 10, 2021

Previous Sessions: Visit the Leon Teachers YouTube page to subscribe and for more LCTA information.
Session #1 – April 15, 2021
Session #2 – April 22, 2021
Session #3 – May 10, 2021
Internal (LCTA Members Only)
May 26, 2021 (5 PM – 7 PM) @ the LCTA Office
LCTA Negotiating with LCS
“There's a direct relationship between the ballot box and the bread box, and what the union fights for and wins at the bargaining table can be taken away in the legislative halls.”
Walter Reuther
2020- 2021 LCTA/LCS Tentative Salary Agreement
On October 13, 2020, Leon Classroom Teachers Association (LCTA) and Leon County Schools (LCS) agreed to a salary proposal for the 2020-21 school year. As part of the pay package, beginning teacher pay will increase from $37,548.36 to $43,304.00, based on a 7.5-hour/196 day assignment. Every teacher will be brought up to a salary of at least $43,304, while also ensuring that every individual receives an increase of at least $3,000. This approach allows us to raise the starting teacher pay while minimizing teacher salary compression in the district. The raise will be applied to the total contract hours for this year and the money will be divided equally in your remaining paychecks once this process is complete.
Human Resources and Payroll have already begun entering the pay package. However, this task requires staff to manually touch each and every teacher pay record while adding the adjustments to base salary and verifying each entry. This will take time, but please know that LCS is working diligently to complete this process as soon as possible. We have included the below illustrations to highlight the various scenarios affecting the implementation of the pay package. We anticipate that this will clarify and help everyone understand how this implementation will affect their individual circumstances. We are excited for our teachers and appreciate your patience and cooperation in this matter.
If you earn between $37,548.36 and $40,304, you will be brought up to $43,304. (Examples: Current Salary 37,548.36 -> 2020/2021 Salary $43,304, Current Salary $39,000 -> 2020/2021 Salary $43,304, Current Salary $40,302 -> 2020/2021 Salary $43,304)
If you currently make $40,304.01 or above, you will receive $3,000. (Examples: Current Salary $40,500 -> 2020/2021 Salary $43,500, Current Salary $44,000 -> 2020/2021 Salary $47,000, Current Salary $48,000 -> 2020/2021 Salary $51,000)
Please note… increases are being made to baseline “per hour” pay, based on 7.5 hours per day and 196 days for a total of 1470 hours for the annual contract period. Accordingly, teachers assigned more or less instructional hours respectively, will have their annual contract amount prorated, up or down, based upon their individual assigned instructional load. (Example: $43,304/1470= 29.458503 per hour. If assigned 6.5 hours per day for 196 days, salary will be to $37,530.13 (($29.458503 x 6.5) x 196) If assigned 8.5 hours per day, salary will be $49,077.86 (($29.458503 x 8.5) x 196). Individuals whose contracts are less than 196 days due to being hired after the beginning of the annual contract period will have their pay pro-rated based on the total number of actual days to be worked.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Are all instructional staff included in the tentative agreement? – Yes, all instructional staff covered by the contract are included in the agreement. This includes reading coaches, psychologists, Pre-K, deans, special area teachers, etc.
No one will receive less than the new minimum teacher salary based on a 7.5 hr. day over 196 school day year.
If the amount is less than $3000 to reach the minimum teacher salary, they will be guaranteed the $3000 based on a 7.5-hour day.
Everyone above the minimum teacher salary shall receive $3000 based on the 7.5 hr. day for a 196-school day year.
Over 12 months this is no less than an increase of $250 a month before taxes.
When will instructional staff receive the increase? – The LCSB approved the proposal on October 14, 2020. LCS is sent the proposal to FLDOE the next day. The target to receive the increase is January, but LCS will do everything it can to have an increase in your December check.
Will there be back pay? Yes, each individual will be paid the entire amount due for the 2020-21 school year. However, this amount will be “paid forward,” which means the payments will be spread over the remaining pay dates for the 2020-21 school year. Please note, this will result in the total raise amount being spread of over 6 or 7 pay dates (depending on the implementation date) in 2020-21. When the 2021-22 school year rolls around, this amount will be spread out over the full contract period (10 or 12 months depending on pay type). The affect will be that it appears that you are being paid less in 2021-22, this is not the case.
Is this a bonus? No this is a salary increase that will increase your base pay and positively impact your retirement.
Leon Classroom Teachers Association (LCTA) and Leon County Schools (LCS) are proud of the work we have been able to do together and we look forward to continuing to do all we can to recognize the dedication, professionalism, and efforts of all instructional staff for the betterment of our students and community.

2020- 2021 LCTA/LCS Tentative Planning and Comp Time
Planning Days: Oct. 30, Jan. 19, April 5 – no more than 3 hours of training/meetings
Comp Time:
IEP comp time for preapproved IEPs completed on site after contract hours
Comp time can be used as sick time
Comp time to Will be carried over to 21-22 school year
RATIFICATION PROCESS - 2020-2021 Memorandum of Understanding
NOTICE of VOTE - Tuesday, September 8, 2020
August 31, 2020
Thursday, August 26, 2020, LCTA and LCS reached an agreement after several long bargaining sessions beginning in July. LCTA and LCS worked hard to provide a well-constructed Memorandum of Understanding that will provide you with a safe and healthy environment, an additional leave option, and autonomy to meet the needs of your students. Below are some of the highlights:
LCS/LCTA MOU Bullet Points
Masks are mandatory
Recording lesson is not required
The entire school will be deep cleaned daily
If ANYONE tests positive for COVID, they MUST STAY HOME
If you are directed to leave work by the Department of Health you will be paid. This is in addition to COVID leave)
Classroom autonomy – For DA students, daily interaction (attendance) is required
The video provided by Mrs. Gregory can be found at the following YouTube link: This video discusses ways teachers can handle hybrid instruction, the availability of devices, balancing the many demands of instruction in the coming year, utilizing FLVS content versus traditional content resources, and receiving assistance in Canvas.
Video of teachers cannot be the sole basis for discipline
Daily temperature checks – required a minimum of one time/day
Extra PPE will be provided for ESE teachers
In addition, LCTA has agreed to Memorandums of Understanding for our DA and L300 schools. These agreements are the same as they were last year and provide extra compensation at the hourly rate.
Once ratified, these MOUs will be binding through the year 2020-2021 school year unless both parties agree to changes. LCTA will continue to negotiate the minimum teacher salary and address working conditions through additional MOUs, which means our work is not done. We welcome any input from members who would like to contribute.
Ratification will be conducted on September 8, 2020. If you have any questions feel free to contact LCTA at [email protected]
In Solidarity,
LCTA Bargaining Team
Avis Berry, Rebecca Burr, Shari Gewanter, Jared Kilpatrick, Scott Mazur, Patty Oole, Mis’Shaylanqua Smith & Kim Stralow
LCTA Bargaining Team Update: August 5, 2020
Since March, the Leon Classroom Teachers Association (LCTA) has been at the forefront of addressing the needs of all instructional staff. LCTA initiated the proposal for collaborative conversations, meetings with Leon County Schools (LCS) leadership, and requesting bargaining dates. Again, your LCTA bargaining committee and team lead the way by presenting the initial Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
Leon Classroom Teachers Association brought to the table the first draft of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to collaboratively form our agreement for the coming school year. This is a working document as there are a number of areas we are addressing. It has been LCTA’s stance from the beginning that we must ensure the safety and health of educators, students, and families. Today, LCTA is advocating for the following areas:
Implementing CDC guidelines
Providing adequate staffing, equipment, and supplies
Notification of changes to district and site plans within twenty-four hours
Accommodations for employees who are at increases and/or high for serious complications from COVID-19
Leave associated with COVID-19
Please see the attached document for the full MOU presented yesterday.
The safety and health of our members, instructional staff, students, and our community is the utmost concern to the LCTA Bargaining Team. Please join us on August 10, 2020, at 10 AM as we continue the bargaining process. LCS will respond to LCTA’s MOU, and we will continue to advocate for what is best for all.
LCTA Bargaining Update – Friday, July 24, 2020
On July 22, 2020, Your Leon County Teachers Association (LCTA) met with Leon County Schools (LCS) at the table ready to represent our members and bargaining unit as a whole. As we are in an ever changing, fluid and unprecedented times, it was necessary to set bargaining norms and change the traditional bargaining process. Typically we work by passing proposals back and forth but now it is even more necessary to move towards a more collaborative bargaining process. In working through this way the bargaining process will move forward in a way that allows us to send some proposals back and forth that have been previously worked on together, resolve issues at the bargaining table and discuss recommendations brought back from its subcommittees.
Also discussed was an update on what the district is doing during the COVID crisis. LCTA understands that some of the information that was brought forth was news many have already heard, but know this, it was an important part of the bargaining process. Additionally we recognize that during this pandemic, CDC guidelines are changing daily, and we needed to make sure the district and LCTA were both on the same page.
Please, save the date for the next joint bargaining session. It will be on August 3 at 2:00 pm.
LCTA intends to continue be a Leader in this conversation and be that strong voice throughout the process and at the bargaining table.
Membership to LCTA is never more important. Reach out to your peers and let them know we need them to lend their voice to our collective call to action. We are in this together and together we are strong.
August 3, 2020 – Joint LCTA/LCS Bargaining Session (2:00 pm)
Hello Colleagues, April 6, 2020
Wednesday, February 26, 2020, at 5:00 PM LCTA and LCS reached an agreement after several long bargaining sessions beginning July 2019. LCTA and LCS worked hard to provide a well-constructed compensation package while managing to stay financially responsible with taxpayer dollars during an unpredictable legislative session. We also addressed the looming concerns for annual contract teachers just to highlight a few.
LCTA worked collaboratively with LCS in a professional, welcoming environment where we worked through the contract making changes to the following:
Article 10.01 Corrective Action Plan for Discipline- New language for a uniformed way of addressing professional concerns for correction.
Article 12.11 Employee Practices- Break in service established: Allowing more teachers time to ensure employment in the district at another site should an annual contract not be renewed.
Article 13.02 Annual Contracts- The district shall make every effort to assist with continued employment within the district.
Article 14.02 Teacher transfer Interview Day-Current and non-reappointed teachers will have an opportunity to be interviewed.
Article 21.07 Compensation- This language was edited to address the changes in the names of the different accreditation agencies public school districts should currently acknowledge.
Compensation Package total of 4.6 million – 2019-2020 School year: One-time Pay Enhancement to be paid April 2020
Highly Effective Teacher will receive a one- time pay enhancement of $2,050
Effective Teachers will receive a one-time pay enhancement of $1,850
New teachers that have not received an evaluation from the district will receive a one-time pay enhancement of $850
In addition to A or B, pre-kindergarten teachers will receive an additional one-time pay enhancement of $1,000 – LCTA and LCS addressed the group of teachers that were not included in the state Best & Brightest bonus program.
Memorandum of Understanding
Also included is the MOU that addresses working conditions during the COVID-19 distance learning.
Once ratified, this contract will be binding through the year 2020. We will, however, negotiate “Full Book” this year, which means we will review every article of the contract in the upcoming negotiations. We welcome any input members would like to contribute.
Ratification will be conducted during April 6, 2020 – April 13, 2020. If you have any questions feel free to contact Zac Johnson, LCTA Elections Chair at [email protected].
In Solidarity,
LCTA Bargaining Team
Brandi Faison, Katie Fritz, Shari Gewanter, Jared Kilpatrick, Scott Mazur, Brian McClain, & Kim Stralow

Send Envelope

Return Envelope
August 8, 2019 Language Proposals
Annual Contract Stability Language: Educators with three years of HE or E rating in Leon County would be recommended for reappointment.
Progressive Discipline Language: This is an effort to streamline the process and make a clear distinction between warnings and reprimands.
Compensation for Coverage: Many educators are being asked to cover for classes without compensation. This language seeks to compensate educators for planning time that is lost due to covering classes.
LCS is seeking language to allow them to move to 12 month pay by removing 10 month benefit deductions. One of those deductions is your union dues. Some are happy about moving t0 12 months but most educators want more options, not less.
LCS HR is looking to streamline the the verification process of years of experience and certification. Language here would align LCS with changes made at FL DOE.
Break In Service: LCS wants to limit the ability of educators to receive their full years of service on the placement scale when they are non-reappointed. LCTA sees each annual contract as a new contract and thus you are entitled to your full years of experience if it provides more pay.
Join us on August 29, 2019, when we meet at 5:00 PM to discuss the bargaining session and plan for the next joint meeting that will be held on September 12, 2019 at the Howell Center.

Watch session #1 - LCTA/LCSB 2019-2020
During our November 1, 2018 bargaining session with LCS, LCTA proposed compensation that would total $3000 per employee: $2850 for salary increases and $150, on average, for performance pay for 18-19 and a total compensation increase of $1500 for 19-20. This proposal underscores the need for LCS to allocate its resources so that it can pay teachers a fair wage.
LCTA worked with LCS when the District faced difficult financial times and, at times, modest salary increases or bonuses. Since its low point in 2013-14, the unassigned general fund balance has increased from 11.24 million (FY 2013-14) to its current level of 28.17 million (2017-18): 16.93 million dollars. Each year during this period, LCS made dire predictions regarding the unassigned fund balance possible performance. On average, LCS budgeted that unassigned fund balance claiming it would end the year at 6.9 million, when in fact it ended, on average, the year ended at 16 million. The district underspends its allocations every year, thus growing the unassigned fund balance.

Sources: Florida Department of Education, Leon County District Summary Budget and Leon County Annual Financial Report, 2010-2018
The same is true for the general fund balance as a whole:

Claims that the District will inevitably be strapped for cash this year should be evaluated in light of these trends.
28.171 Million versus 11.33 Million?
LCTA based its proposal on an unassigned fund balance of 28.171 million, its balance at the end of the fiscal year, and predictive trends. LCS based their response to our proposal on its prediction that the unreserved general fund balance will end AY 2018-19 at 11.33 million and the predictive trend will stop.
11.33 million is the amount LCS predicts will remain after the 2018-19 academic year, assuming that monies are spent as allocated and that no budgetary flexibility exists.
An example of budgetary “flexibility” can be found in Instructional Materials and Supplies (Function 5000-500):

On average, 13 million is leftover in this account each year, suggesting that LCS’s immediate budgetary future may not be as dire as asserted and that money can be re-allocated to fund teacher raises.
In Unity,
LCTA Bargaining Committee
#BeThere – Bargaining Session #5
Join LCTA and LCS this Wednesday, November 28, 2018 in the Howell Center at 5:00 p.m.
LCTA countered the LCS proposal of about $1,150 for a salary increase with a $3,000 salary market adjustment for this year. In addition, LCTA is advocating for career path for educators. LCTA is asking LCS to prioritize a living wage for instructional staff by seeking a two year deal that would keep up with the cost of health insurance costs and inflation.
Sign up here. LCTA/LCS MEETING – Wednesday, November 28, 2018, at 5:00 p.m. (Howell Center)
In pay rankings for the 2017-18 school year, LCS teachers ranked 48th with an average teacher salary of $44,328. Librarians and school counselors rank 57th and 59th respectively out of 67 districts. Meanwhile, site administrators ranked in the top 15. We are not asking LCS to take from others, but we are asking for the same consideration. LCS must prioritize for those who have the most significant impact on student learning.
It is important to remember that LCTA represents all members of the bargaining unit. This includes teachers, guidance counselors, psychologists, librarians, and more. Therefore, we are all LCTA. We must all participate in the process if we are to address the priorities you brought up through the survey.
See your LCTA Building Representative for more information on how you can become more involved.

Watch the latest bargaining session here. Click below.

LCTA/LCS 2017-2020 Contract
Join us for the next internal bargaining session on Thursday, September 13, 2018. Sign up here.
LCTA Bargaining Update 09.05.18
Dear Instructional Staff,
On Wednesday, August 29, 2018, Leon County Schools (LCS) and Leon Classroom Teachers Association (LCTA) met for the second time to discuss initial contract language proposals and compensation. All language and compensation proposals have been attached as they were shared at the table. LCTA and LCS are in the process of reviewing each parties proposals and will set future dates to continue bargaining. If you have questions or concerns or would like to participate in the process, we encourage you to contact LCTA and share your thoughts. Whether you are a member of LCTA or not this contract impacts your wages, terms, and conditions of employment. If you are not a member of LCTA, we strongly encourage you to contact your worksite building representative to join and preserve our right to bargain a contract.
Please note, all underlined language indicates proposed new contract language. All language with a strike-through indicates proposed deletions of existing contract language.

In Addition To The Above Language Proposals, The Following Compensation Package Was Shared As Well.
*Educators Still Can Apply For The Best And Brightest That Is Tied To SAT/ ACT Scores.
LCTA/LCS 2018-19 Contract negotiations have begun!
Next Internal Meeting is 8/23/18
Next joint Meeting is 8/29/18
Welcome back dedicated educators of Leon County Schools!
Both teams met on Thursday, August 9, 2018 for our first session of the 2018-2019 school year. We discussed, in general terms, what issues may be brought to the table for future contract negotiations.
LCTA’s Priorities
Compensation, teacher raises, not bonuses is the priority for LCTA
Annual contract teacher protections
Teacher evaluation
ESE needs
Protecting teacher’s planning time
Rising cost of health insurance, and
Discipline consistency and support
District Priorities
Beginning Teacher Pay
New Teacher Credit on the Placement Schedule (Leap Frog)
Addressing supplement pay for teachers on leave and mentor teachers
Lively Certification
Benefits, and
Some form of teacher compensation
Future meetings will be planned for August and September and members of the bargaining unit will be notified via school email. Details will be shared soon.
Thank you to the members and potential members who showed up and supported the LCTA Bargaining Team, being visible and engaging in the process makes a difference. Encourage others to voice their concerns with policymakers and show up to future meetings.
HB 7055 Impact
If we do not increase our membership to the 50% threshold, next year’s contract negotiation could be without LCTA’s input and all or portions of the condition could be voided. Contact your LCTA Building Rep to learn more about future negotiations and how you can assist in advocating for the resources you need to be successful in the with students and at home.
In Unity,
Scott Mazur
LCTA President
Not printed but placed on the handout to admin and posted on TNL, LCTA, and Labor Relations.
House Bill 7069 has rendered Article 13.02 null and void. However, management will continue to agree that Annual Contract Teachers will be renewed in accordance with Florida Law and Leon County School’s best practices.
FOR A PRINT OUT TO DEFINE BEST PRACTICES – We can bargain to put this in the contract.
Best Practices – Should include but are not limited to the following:
Following the evaluation process with fidelity.
Providing feedback promptly
Specific instructional strategies
Feedback within ten days
Building rapport and relationships with staff
Conducting pre and post conferences for formals
Notations with areas of development
Fostering trusting and collegial relationships
Professional development is a primary component of the instructional evaluation process
All parties have a shared responsibility to foster best practices to improve student achievement and school climate.
Thoughtful and meaningful conversations
No Surprises
The non-reappointment process will be conducted in a thoughtful and considerate manner.
Tentative Agreement 2017-2020
Click the following buttons to review the tentative language for the 2017-2018 LCTA/LCSB negotiations. Below you will find a bargaining summary.
2017-2018 LCTA/LCS Bargaining Summary
There will be no Performance Pay or salary increase. Although LCTA proposed increases in base pay of $1,500 for staff rated Highly Effective and $1,125 for staff rated Effective, LCS rejected the proposal.
All Highly Effective instructional personnel in the LCTA bargaining unit (including media specialists, guidance counselors, program specialists, behavior program specialists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, social workers, and school psychologists to name a few) will receive a bonus of $1200 based on their 2016-2017 teacher evaluation.
All Effective personnel in the LCTA bargaining unit (including media specialists, guidance counselors, program specialists, behavior program specialists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, social workers, and school psychologists to name a few) will receive a bonus of $800 based on their 2016-2017 evaluation.
10% increase in the Supplement Base. The base is currently at $27,700.00; the increase would take the base to $30,500.00.
Up to 2 hours of release time granted for employees to attend ceremonies/performances/orientations/parent conferences for their own children and/or their legal dependents.
Teachers who are assigned supervision during special area will now receive compensatory time.
Additional rights for teachers who substitute for another employee’s classroom.
Additional rights that protect teachers from classroom interruptions and visits from unauthorized personnel without 48-hour notice. This is a 24-hour increase and limits the observation to 1-hour.
Secured teacher authority to determine student’s final grades.
The eliminated language which delayed 12-month payment employees from receiving their first retirement check.
Employees can now receive, access, and download their final evaluation results electronically via the LEADS platform.
Employees who agree to work a Leon County School Board shelter will be paid $25/hour.
School sites that have been designated by the Florida legislature as one of the “Lowest 300” have language that allows for school-specific interventions, flexibility, and strategies to be employed to improve student performance.
2013-2014: The LCTA achieved a salary increase of $2182 for teachers with more than one year of experience. First-year teachers received a $1000 increase within their first month of teaching.
2014-2015: 4% increase to the total amount allocated for instructional staff salaries. The multi-year deal fixed the salary schedule which limited salary mobility of teachers in their first 20 years of service.
2015-2016: 4% increase to the total amount allocated for instructional staff salaries and 1 million dollars for Performance Pay based on 2014-2015 evaluations.
2016-2017: Even with only a 1% increase in funding by the state for public education, LCTA was able to bargain 2 million dollars in Performance Pay based on 2015-2016 evaluations.
Contract Language 2014 - 2015
Planning: Every effort will be made to ensure that at least 4 out of 5 planning periods will be reserved for individual planning time. (This refers to your planning time during the middle of the school day.)
Directing teachers to substitute for another employee’s classroom duties shall be used only on an emergency basis. There are emergency funds for substitute teachers which
A copy of each site’s compensatory time plan will be submitted to their district supervisor and given to LCTA to ensure a plan is in place.
The employee and site administrator shall meet about any concern regarding class size and/or class load.
Add language ensures that the Board shall provide funding for approved instructional materials so that all students will have materials and all teachers, including ESE and enrichment, will have teacher’s editions.
Progressive Discipline has been added which is to be used in place of iObservation Domain 4. All site administrators will be trained using the District’s adopted programs.
This appendix included the removal of “Extend 45 (E45)” which paid a teacher a supplement rather than their hourly salary rate.
What does LCTA have to offer?
Contract Language 2015 - 2016
Annual Contract teacher protections beginning in the 2016-2017 school year.
Instructional employees will no longer need to punch a time-clock or sign-in or sign-out unless it is part of an employee’s improvement plan.
Teacher transfer day will now be open to teachers with three years of service and having a rating of Effective or higher on the instructional practice portion of their current evaluation.
Employees will only need a copy of their orders to report with a request for leave to obtain military leave.
New hires will receive a notice of their salary within 30 days of being hired.
An appeals process will now allow instructional staff the opportunity to be observed by a third party observer if a resolution cannot be met with their administrator and a panel sustains their concern.
LCTA Advocacy
Teacher Observation Appeals Process: If a teacher is concerned that his or her instructional practice score was inaccurate, the teacher will present their concern to the site administrator. If a resolution cannot be found, the parties agree that a five-member evaluation review panel will review the teacher’s concern. Should the panel sustain the teacher’s concern; a third-party observer will be assigned by the District.
Annual Teacher Observation Deadlines: All annual teacher observations must be completed more than a week before the reappointment process begins. This year, all observation (formal, informal, and walk-throughs) must be completed by 4/19/17.
Required Feedback: For any observation less than Effective, teachers are required to receive specific feedback for the purpose of developing instructional practices.
Self-Assessment: Instructional staff must complete the self-assessment, but they are not required to assess every section.
Hold Harmless Language: Because of state changes from the NGSSS to FSA, LCTA led the way by requesting hold harmless language for teachers with VAM. No teacher was evaluated less than Effective.
Student Learning Objective: Instructional staff must account for all students on their role. However, LCTA advocated for having students matched and qualified. You shouldn’t be held accountable for students who are not present in your class.
In 2014, LCTA supported a teacher and member of LCTA who was elected to the Leon County School Board. This year LCTA continues its efforts to support LCSB candidates who support teachers and public education.
Leon Classroom Teachers Association (LCTA) has worked with LCS to have all Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) tied to “matched” and “qualified” students. The language applies to all Student Learning Objectives even if the language isn’t written into a teacher’s SLO’s. Teachers have always had this component of the evaluation tied to “matched” students. Now, teachers have “qualified” language too!
“Qualified” students are students who meet attendance requirements. A “Qualified” students is any student that is not: 1. Absent 10 or more days in one month (excused or unexcused) 2. Absent 15 or more days in a semester (excused or unexcused)
In addition, a modification to last year’s state teacher evaluation system proposal was made and accepted by DOE. The modification will hold all VAM teachers harmless for the 2014-2015 school year.