2024 - 2025 Negotiations

As we enter negotiations for the 2024-2025 school year, we must recognize our educators’ pivotal role in shaping our community and society. Each of us has a personal reason for supporting our schools—whether it’s ensuring our children have the best start, wanting to see our community thrive, or valuing the dedication and passion of our teachers.

Our proposals, developed directly from the voices within our bargaining unit and supported by an expanded Bargaining Committee, focus on three key pillars: (1) Competitive Compensation, (2) Balanced Workload, and (3) Respecting Educators. These pillars address issues such as inadequate teacher pay, the ever-increasing workload, and the lack of respect for teacher professionalism. By addressing these areas, we can create a school community that meets the needs and values of every student, educator, and family.

Building on last year’s progress, our goal is to uplift teachers, making their positions desirable for recruitment and retention. We aim to finalize negotiations before the school year begins, demonstrating through our actions that we value teachers, their families, and their contributions to ensuring student success. The Leon Classroom Teachers Association is ready to work with the District and School Board to create a stronger school community for everyone.

The District and School Board must ensure their choices align with their words, demonstrating their genuine appreciation for our educators and their vital role in supporting and educating the children of our community. We must not only pay teachers a competitive wage that honors their outstanding contributions and allows them to afford to live in our community, but we must also recognize that culture and climate, how we treat our teachers and include them in decision making processes, are just as important. We can attract and retain top talent by providing both competitive compensation and a supportive work environment, directly enhancing student success. – The LCTA Bargaining Team

What can you do?

1) Sign the statement of support.

2) Join your union.

3) Show up!

* August 6 (5-8 PM) Proof Brewery

* Bargaining Session #3 (TBD)